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What is Hash?

Hash (short for hashish) is the original cannabis concentrate. Its origins date back to as early as 900 A.D. and is Arabic in origin. The word hashish roughly translates to ‘grass’. Known for its long, mellow high, and is a favourite of stoners all over the world.

What types of Hash are there?

There are different methods to create hash. Here’s a brief explanation for each:

Dry-ice hash – It’s the most common method and is made by mixing the plant matter with dry-ice in a screen bag and then shaking it. The trichomes freeze and fall through the screen bag into a collection bin below.

IWE/Bubble Hash – It’s a method that is more labour intensive where the plant matter is mixed with ice-cold water, either by hand or in a mixing machine. Similarly to the dry ice method, the trichomes freeze and fall off. The mixture is then poured through a series of screens each getting finer and finer.

Hashish may be solid or resinous depending on both preparation and room temperature; pressed hashish is usually solid, whereas water-purified hashish—often called “bubble melt hash”—is often a paste-like substance with varying hardness and pliability; its color, most commonly light to dark brown, can vary from transparent to yellow, tan, black, or red. This all depends on the process and the cannabis material used to make the hash